Real solutions for a financial recovery which do not cost a single tax dollar.

This is a summary of our initial post, For the full content please see the same title in the March 2009 archives. Please click this link, the full article will appear at the bottom of this page!

It's simple, much if not all of what ails us economically can be solved without costing one thin dime, that is what we mean by a ZERO COST RECOVERY.

Many of today's ills have come from easily reversible causes, here are a few to start you thinking:
- The Bible condemns usury (sort of); whether or not you are religious, this make great sense.

- Big Banks don't work for America or Americans (or anyone else for that matter). Consolidation was touted as a way to lower costs, provide better service and more affordable fees to customers. Can anyone show me an example where these promised economies of scale came to life? How about the lower fees and better service?

- Bigger is not better, that is why anti-trust legislation was enacted. Today's financial crisis was brought to a head by the unvarnished greed of the giant banks, financial institutions and corporations with the complicity of the majority of our legislators, it is just that simple.

- The "Free market" is not the cause of this problem, the fact that it has been castrated, prostituted and redefined by the greedy is. "Free market" does not mean a market without rules, or domination by the richest and most powerful. Without meaningful competition, free markets cannot, and do not, exist - period.

Rollback, update and aggressively enforce meaningful anti-trust & financial sector regulations and the root cause will be eliminated. How about requiring a binding contract guaranteeing that all consumer beneficial promises be a part of all mergers and acquisitions? To be effective, it should include an onerous non compliance clause!

- The Stock Market is not synonymous with the economy, it is gambling pure and simple, and is one of the economy's greatest ills - complete with crooked bookies. A simple truth is wherever there is gambling there are people who find sophisticated ways to cheat.
- "A Free & Independent Press is the Cornerstone of Democracy". I don't know who first said it, but they were spot on. Today's media does not hold the rich and powerful accountable, it is owned by them; they are at the core of the problem.
- Food costs have more than doubled, yet the family farmer is struggling while large corporate farmers are getting huge subsidies. One solution would be enacting anti-trust legislation that forbids the huge conglomerates which are so dominant in critical industries from operating at more than one level in the manufacturing and distribution chain.... Grow it, process it, distribute it or retail it - choose one!
- The price of oil at the well head is dramatically different from the price we see quoted on the TV each night. The difference is created by speculators in the commodities markets (the same holds true for food and other vital commodities). Force the CFTC to re-institute the commodities speculation guideline that were in place prior to 1990.
- Big Pharma spends far more on marketing and lobbyists than on R&D, some say the figure is twice as much. How much do you think this adds to what your prescriptions cost? Lobby our legislators to allow Medicare to negotiate drug costs with their manufacturers and watch prices fall to the levels enjoyed in most other countries.
- Health care costs are skyrocketing yet Physicians pay has decreased dramatically. How much do you think the near monopolies in Health Insurance and HMO's contribute to this?
-Corporations are NOT People. Our Founding Fathers did not think so when they formed our nation, why are we allowing it now?

Monopolies and oligopolies are the root causes of our problems. Cure these ills, and our financial woes will evaporate WITHOUT COSTING ONE DIME.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Revisiting the Boston Tea Party

Fall victim to divide and conquer political control and lose, or unite behind a common goal and win!

They come from many different backgrounds. About one-third are skilled craftsmen, a much smaller number are professionals, doctors, educators, lawyers, merchants, and the like. Although we do not know the occupations of all the participants, the majority are students and from the working class. About two-thirds are under 20; few are over 40. Most are locals, but some came from great distances. They have one thing in common, they are committed in opposition to a government which ignores the needs of the people in favor of the rich and powerful. Regardless of their financial or social origins, they work as a team of self-sacrificing patriots against an oppressive and seemingly all-powerful enemy. Although the words were yet to be written, they stood for “the Right of the People to alter or to abolish any Form of Government that becomes destructive of inalienable rights of men such as Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness”.

This describes the majority of both the Occupy Wall Street movement and the modern Tea Party, it also paraphrases the words of the Boston Tea Party Association’s depiction of the participants in one of America’s proudest moments.

Like the rank and file members of both the original and modern day Tea Parties, the “Occupiers” have the same central agenda; fairness, equity, and opportunity. They don't have a Robin Hood complex and do not want to steal from the rich, they just want the crimes of the powerful punished and their plunder returned to those they stole it from; this is not theft, it is justice. They want the opportunities enjoyed by their parents and grandparents. Their common goal is the return to a world where there was a vibrant and growing middle class where anyone who was willing to do the hard yards could improve their lot in life, and that of their families and friends; they're not seeking a redistribution of wealth through confiscation or trickery. Neither ascribes to the mean spirited rhetoric of those at their extremes. Nor would they knowingly yield to what appears to be the divide and conquer tactics of those amorphous individuals at the highest levels of power. But unfortunately, they have often fallen prey to it.

Where they differ is in their leadership. The Sons of Liberty, the folks who brought you the Boston Tea Party was led by the likes of Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Paul Revere; some of the same great and highly principled leaders who led the American Revolution. The modern Tea Party is controlled from behind the scenes by "The Invisible Hand", a group of three of America's richest men; Rupert Murdoch, and the Koch brothers, David and Charles. Occupy was also highly principled and devoted to democracy, to a fault, its leadership was far too amorphous to create a sustainable movement.

The puppeteers who orchestrated the Sons of Liberty and Occupy were highly principled, whereas the strings of the Tea Party are pulled by power brokers with their own agendas, not those of their followers.

In the end, the memberships of the Tea Party and Occupy are both modern American patriots following in the footsteps of our forefathers; those which led to the creation of our democracy. To a great extent they are doing it in ways that would have made them beam with pride. If they can side step the voices of their most radical leaders to sharply focus on their commonalities and band together to bring their core values to reality, all Americans triumph. If they don't, they will simply cancel each other out while the bad guys on both sides win one more time.

Copyright Fred Schwacke 2011-2017

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