Real solutions for a financial recovery which do not cost a single tax dollar.
It's simple, much if not all of what ails us economically can be solved without costing one thin dime, that is what we mean by a ZERO COST RECOVERY.
Many of today's ills have come from easily reversible causes, here are a few to start you thinking:
- The Bible condemns usury (sort of); whether or not you are religious, this make great sense.
- Big Banks don't work for America or Americans (or anyone else for that matter). Consolidation was touted as a way to lower costs, provide better service and more affordable fees to customers. Can anyone show me an example where these promised economies of scale came to life? How about the lower fees and better service?
- Bigger is not better, that is why anti-trust legislation was enacted. Today's financial crisis was brought to a head by the unvarnished greed of the giant banks, financial institutions and corporations with the complicity of the majority of our legislators, it is just that simple.
- The "Free market" is not the cause of this problem, the fact that it has been castrated, prostituted and redefined by the greedy is. "Free market" does not mean a market without rules, or domination by the richest and most powerful. Without meaningful competition, free markets cannot, and do not, exist - period.
Rollback, update and aggressively enforce meaningful anti-trust & financial sector regulations and the root cause will be eliminated. How about requiring a binding contract guaranteeing that all consumer beneficial promises be a part of all mergers and acquisitions? To be effective, it should include an onerous non compliance clause!
- "A Free & Independent Press is the Cornerstone of Democracy". I don't know who first said it, but they were spot on. Today's media does not hold the rich and powerful accountable, it is owned by them; they are at the core of the problem.
- Food costs have more than doubled, yet the family farmer is struggling while large corporate farmers are getting huge subsidies. One solution would be enacting anti-trust legislation that forbids the huge conglomerates which are so dominant in critical industries from operating at more than one level in the manufacturing and distribution chain.... Grow it, process it, distribute it or retail it - choose one!
- The price of oil at the well head is dramatically different from the price we see quoted on the TV each night. The difference is created by speculators in the commodities markets (the same holds true for food and other vital commodities). Force the CFTC to re-institute the commodities speculation guideline that were in place prior to 1990.
- Big Pharma spends far more on marketing and lobbyists than on R&D, some say the figure is twice as much. How much do you think this adds to what your prescriptions cost? Lobby our legislators to allow Medicare to negotiate drug costs with their manufacturers and watch prices fall to the levels enjoyed in most other countries.
- Health care costs are skyrocketing yet Physicians pay has decreased dramatically. How much do you think the near monopolies in Health Insurance and HMO's contribute to this?
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Keystone XL & Dakota Access, let the builder bear the risks
There are several core concepts that are critical to any discussions about Keystone XL, and Dakota access, and are generic to all other high-risk / high-profit projects. Before moving forward with their development, I think these issues must be fully addressed, understood and resolved.
- Who should bear the responsibility for disclosing the true risks associated with the development and operation of these ventures, and to what extent should they be held accountable for misrepresenting them?
- Who should be held accountable for misinformation disseminated through the media in support of their project, and to what extent?
- Who is in the best position to know how risky a given project is? This includes those which are hidden either for a lack of information, or those which are purposefully hidden to further a hidden agenda.
- Who should be granted the authority to make the social cost-benefit decisions regarding them? Shouldn't it be the people who bear the greatest cultural burdens and greatest risks?
- Who should be held morally, financially, and criminally liable for accidents and malfeasance? Should society at large bear the costs of their accidents, corner cutting to minimize costs & maximize profits or their wanton disregard for the welfare of all living things (including our kids) and the environment? I think not!
If and when something goes wrong, is it the corporations and governmental officials who promote, build and oversee these projects that should bear the full burden in all its glory? Should we allow them to be protected from criminal and financial liability by passing laws which provide the safety and security of corporate shields or official immunity?
Rather than transport extremely hazardous materials across America's heartland at great risk by pipeline, rail or truck, why not build a new refinery at or near the point of entry to the US? Wouldn't this create just as many jobs, or far more (many of which would be highly skilled and long term), greater cost effectiveness, and lessen environmental risks dramatically?
Although it is far too big an issue to do justice to here, let's keep in mind the tremendous value of clean water, fertile land, and all living thing, not to mention the importance of insulating them from all reasonable risks.
The proponents of these pipelines are advertising that the pipeline itself will be totally safe and environmentally friendly. Their ads clearly state that the end product will be environmentally cleaner than "many" existing fuels, and that might be fantastic depending on the precise meaning of the statement. Based upon precedent, this is the diametric opposite of reality.
In an effort to reach fair and equitable solutions to all of these questions among honorable people, why not attach rigid contractual obligations to any permit requiring that all of their promises be truthful and carry guarantees that they bear fruit. If their claims are true, there can be no reason to object, if they are false it is fraud and those responsible must be held fully accountable.
They say the project is safe and will cause no damage to America, Americans, or the environment. Frankly, we've all heard that song before and reasonable human being wants to repeat past failures. In spite of Exxon and BP's claims that they have been good citizens, their TV ads showing how they restored utopia, and that they were/are totally committed to 100% restoring the environment and compensating every person and business damaged buy their oil spills, this bears no resemblance to reality. Both companies thrive, while countless Americans and our ecology suffer the unfathomable consequences of their irresponsible actions.
Before allowing these projects, and others like them to move forward, it is only good sense to require their backers and investors to have a comprehensive indemnification plan in place. It must assure the resources required to fully and promptly return to whole every single person, business large or small, wildlife species, or piece of public land damaged by their project are in place and readily accessible. The potential liability is far beyond huge and the indemnification must be up to the full value of the company, its affiliated corporations and shareholders - no exceptions. It must be backstopped by insurance sufficient to totally cover any and all shortfalls. Huge projects offer huge profits, but they also present huge risks which must be 100% born by those who are in a position to reap the gains. It's only fair and right. America and the American people cannot continue bearing these burdens and costs.
Frankly, the developers will never accept these conditions because they know the magnitude of the serious risks. Risks they are completely willing to place upon the American people, but not upon themselves, and that is why this plan should be rejected out of hand. Keystone XL, Dakota Access, and other similar projects are terrible deals for America and must be permanently stopped.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Revisiting the Boston Tea Party
They come from many different backgrounds. About one-third are skilled craftsmen, a much smaller number are professionals, doctors, educators, lawyers, merchants, and the like. Although we do not know the occupations of all the participants, the majority are students and from the working class. About two-thirds are under 20; few are over 40. Most are locals, but some came from great distances. They have one thing in common, they are committed in opposition to a government which ignores the needs of the people in favor of the rich and powerful. Regardless of their financial or social origins, they work as a team of self-sacrificing patriots against an oppressive and seemingly all-powerful enemy. Although the words were yet to be written, they stood for “the Right of the People to alter or to abolish any Form of Government that becomes destructive of inalienable rights of men such as Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness”.
Copyright Fred Schwacke 2011-2017
Sunday, November 13, 2011
WSJ China comments
- Fred Schwacke wrote: (your comment)
- 8 hours ago
- Zilong Zhao replied:
- 1 hour ago
- Alex Temenid replied:
- 29 minutes ago
- Fred Schwacke replied: (your comment)
- 1 hour ago
Friday, November 11, 2011
The Stock Market is not the economy, it is the leech that skims off the cream.
and simple, and in its current form it is one of the economy's greatest
ills. A simple truth is wherever there is gambling there are people who
will find sophisticated ways to cheat and fleece the unsuspecting. In its
noblest form, the concept of selling stock started as a way to fund the
research, innovation, and company growth that was vital to the economic
development of our nation. With time it morphed into a haven for
speculation and manipulation. Rather than funding growth, for the most
part shareholders have become solely interested in maximizing short term
profits at the expense of the company's long term health and growth. It is
speculation rather than investment. In my opinion, shares should be
classed into two broad categories based upon that statement, those held
short term (for argument sake, less than two years) and those which
following Warren Buffet's advise are long term. Voting power should not be
bestowed upon the short term, speculative investor. Executive stock
options should encourage long term corporate health and growth by not
becoming vested for at least five years after they are exercised.
- Food costs have more than doubled, yet the family farmer is struggling while large
corporate farmers are getting huge subsidies. One solution would be
enacting Anti-trust legislation that forbids the huge conglomerates which
are so dominant in critical industries from operating at more than one
level in the manufacturing and distribution chain; pick one, manufacturing
(including farming), distribution or retail. It should also limit the
market share one company can have in any sector to 10% of the market.
Except in small towns, retailers should not be allowed to control more
than a specified market share based upon the population of the area they
serve. Just watch what this would do to your weekly food bill.
- The price of oil at the well head is dramatically different from the price we see
quoted on the TV each night. The difference is created by speculators in
the commodities markets (the same holds true for food and other vital
commodities). Products which are vital to the national good such as food,
oil and the like should be heavily regulated so as to forbid the
unconscionable profits which are siphoned off by manipulation of these
markets. A short term 90% windfall profits tax should be levied on all
profits above a reasonable spread, for argument sake 15%. At the same time
a long term per share traded tax of 1.0% should be applied to all stock
and commodities transactions (by other than users) which are held short
term. The term should be 1 year, with the fee applied at the time of sale.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Keystone XL, let the builder bear the risks!
There are several core concepts that are critical to the discussions about Keystone XL and other high risk / high profit projects. Before moving forward, they must be fully addressed and resolved.
- Who is in the best position to know how risky a given project is?
- Who is in the position to make cost benefit decisions regarding it?
- Who is in the best position to know its hidden risks.
Those are the people, corporations and governmental officials who should bear the full burden if something goes wrong, and without the safety and security of corporate shields or official immunity.
Rather than transport this extremely hazardous material across America's heartland at great risk, why not build a new refinery at or near an appropriately chosen point of entry to the US? Wouldn't this create far more permanent jobs, most of which would be highly skilled and long term? Wouldn't this offer greater cost effectiveness, and lessen environmental risks dramatically? Wouldn't this satisfy the needs of our energy producing neighbor to the north? And wouldn't this make the likelihood of these refined petroleum products benefiting the North American economies far greater, rather than endangering them?
Although it is far too big an issue to do justice here, lets keep in mind the tremendous value of clean water, and the importance of insulating it from risk.
The proponents of this pipeline are advertising widely that the pipeline itself will be totally safe and environmentally friendly. Their ads clearly state that the end product will be environmentally cleaner than "many" existing fuels, and that could be fantastic depending on the precise meaning and truthfulness of the statement. In an effort to reach a fair and equitable solution among honorable people, why not place rigid contractual obligations into any permit requiring that all of their promises bear fruit; with serious and meaningful penalties if they don't. If their claims are true, there can be no reason for objection.
They say the project is safe and will cause no damage to the environment. Frankly, we have all heard this before and we do not want to repeat the past failures. In spite of claims by Exxon and BP that they have been good citizens and that they were/are totally committed to 100% fully restoring the environment and fairly compensating every person and business damaged buy their oil spills, this has been far from the reality. Both companies continue to thrive, while countless Americans and our ecology continue to suffer the consequences of their actions.
Before allowing this project to move forward, please require them to have an indemnification plan, with real teeth, in place that assure the resources required to fully and promptly return to whole every single person, wildlife species, company, or piece of public land damaged by their project, up to the full value of the company and its founders, affiliated corporations and shareholders. Huge projects offer huge profits, but they also present huge risks that must be 100% born by those who are in a position to reap the gains.
Frankly, they will not accept these conditions because they know it creates a serious burden of risk, one they are willing to place upon the American people, but not themselves; and that is why this plan should be rejected out of hand. Keystone XL, and other similar projects are a terrible deal for America.
What happened to the jobs, and how do we get them back?
The facts are clear and incontrovertible. Big corporates are not creating new jobs; meanwhile, they are being paid a fortune in our tax dollars to ship many of the best paying offshore. The same banks we gave many hundreds of billions of dollars to in order for them to totally recover from the effects of their fraudulent activities are unwilling to offer loans to the real corporate job creators, small businesses, no matter how worthy they are. The people who created the sub-prime mortgage crisis have used our money to fully recover and reap massive profits while those they fleeced are further decimated.
The financial cream they skimmed from our nation took job supporting industries and the ability for Main Street to recover with it.
In spite of the fact that the re-creation of good paying jobs here at home is the best way to restore the health of our economy and rebuild our middle class, Congress has done absolutely nothing to start this ball rolling, in fact they continue to obstruct it. The core question is why?
The obvious answer is they don't want to. Less obvious is the fact that restoring the jobs engine the super wealthy and corporate greed destroyed has to occur before a really recovery can happen, and it will be neither easy or fast.
In spite of corporate coffers filled with trillions in cash, we are told time and again that they won 't use it to create jobs because they are uncertain about the economy. Is that the real reason, or is it that it is invested where they get a better return than expanding their businesses will bring? The simple fact that their profits are astronomical while Main Street is floundering illustrates the answer.
The simple truth is if investing in jobs was the best way to create short term profits, that is what Corporate America would be doing. If there was a demand for goods and services, investment dollars would be made available to supply it.
isn reality, it is the people who reside in the middle and lower levels of the economic pyramid that fuel the demand, but they do not have the discretionary income to do it. The greed at the top has syphoned off the cream that created their ability to buy, and until it is returned, there can be no economic recovery. Good paying jobs and discretionary income are the real jobs creators. Sadly this pursuit of short term gains has all but killed the golden goose (the middle class), and with it America's long term prospects.
Only Congress has the ability to restore the balance which existed in years past that created the vibrant American economy and the world's highest standard of living. Absent any better answer, and their is none, the obvious solution is to return to the pre 1980 model which created it.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I truly care about life from conception to the grave, do you?
Dear President Obama,
While I agree with this conservative mantra, there are a lot of "but if's" that are part of the defining equation.
My first area of concern is the tradition of our government to make laws which allow the writers to "eat their cake and have it too". If laws are passed which are based upon personal beliefs put onerous burdens on those effected by them, the government must fully bear the financial burden of recompense. It is only fair and it is only right.
If a woman has made the choice to have a child, there is a good argument that she and her partner are responsible for that life until it reaches maturity. On the other hand, what if the pregnancy occurred because of faulty birth control? Or was totally outside the woman's sphere of control like rape, or any other outside of the box reason? Who bears the emotional and financial costs of rearing that child? The financial backers of the legislation will protect the manufacturer of the defective birth control and ignore the problems of the mother and child.
I agree that every life be it unborn, in its most vital years or near death, deserves the support of our society. What I have a problem with is the hypocracy of those who use abortion as a smoke screen to obscure their stance against Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
It would be refreshing to hear a politician call this spade a spade by addressing this core question. Mr. President, are you up to it?
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Just roll it back, say no to deregulation.
Just say no to the Republican proposals to make things worse for all but the rich. No to continuing Bush Era tax breaks to the richest Americans. No to incentives and loopholes for giant corporations. No to speculation as the foundation of modern day Wall Street. No to the perverted definition of “investment” which embraces race track like betting and crooked bookies as their purveyors. And no to the excessive and /or hidden costs and fees that are syphoning the cream out of the finances of everyday Americans.
Not to mention, no to cuts to investments in our country's future like education, infrastructure, honoring our promises to seniors including Social Security (which they paid for as deferred compensation), or Medicare
and Medicaid for the neediest Americans.
Put in the most basic terms, just say no to the unabashed legislator supported greed which has taken over our country and is milking it dry.
It is time to restore fairness and equity by rolling back banking and corporate regulations to pre-1980 levels.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Why the proposed American Chinese currency manipulation bill is against our interests.
The Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act of 2011, the proposal to impose currency-related trade measures against China or other countries with undervalued currencies makes no sense for two major reasons:
- First, if China revalues its currency upward, it will dramatically increase the value of our debt to them, doing us far more harm than good; in short, it is counter productive.
- The second is centered on the concept that it's far better to define the core problems and create meaningful solutions than to resort to band aid fixes. The core problem is that China's environmental protection, human
rights and nationally subsidized industrial policies create a massive and immoral cost advantage. Equalization is the solution; the creation of an environmental and humanitarian equalization tariff is the vehicle.
Although ill-defined, there is a dollar value connected to protecting our environment and quality of life, and at least short term it is expensive. As a country we have decided it is money well spent, and we must aggressively protect that decision; at least within our borders.
There is no question that countries which do not respect these values, while massively subsidizing exports, have a huge cost advantage in international commerce. We need to make adjustments in order to compete with them economically, and contrary to the beliefs of the short sighted, this does not mean lowering our standards to meet theirs. It does mean punishing the "dumping" which has all but killed many of our core manufacturing industries, including solar energy.
Obviously, we cannot continue to subsidize these nations at the expense of our own; the goal has to be the creation of a level playing field. It is my opinion that as a nation, we need to immediately do the calculations needed to define the real and total costs of sound environmental policy, fair working conditions and good wages, and use these numbers as a factual basis for creating a meaningful solution to inequitably priced imports.
Based on those calculations, the solution is the creation of an environmental and human exploitation levy to be placed on all countries who want access to our markets and whose humanitarian polices are below those we have adopted. For those who share our values, there would be little or no levy, for those who do not, the costs would be substantial. The proceeds would then be used to fund national technology initiatives.
A related issue is countries who engage in espionage in order to gain our country's military and industrial secrets. This is extremely expensive and must be aggressively rooted out and punished. In the case of China, this
has been particularly pervasive. Our only possibilities for compensation is through the seizure of their assets which is impractical, or assessing large, long term, punitive levys on their goods and services while aggressively enforcing our anti-dumping laws.
In my opinion, these actions would force countries like China, India and others to clean up their acts in order to compete fairly in international markets; while helping us attain the critically important goals of restoring our onshore manufacturing base and good paying jobs, the middle class, and upward mobility.